Saturday, June 8, 2013

The war between tech and networking giants is getting interesting with social networking and messaging apps acquisitions entering the fray. With Facebook acquiring the photo-sharing app Instagram it was only time before eyes turned to the biggest thing in social messaging – Whatsapp.

While reports state that both; Google and Facebook were vying for a Whatsapp buyout, Google seems to be getting the upper hand. Google executives have been in talks with Whatsapp over the past few weeks and Whatsapp has been valued at one billion dollars by the search giant.

However, looks like Whatsapp is in no mood to be bought over or wants a sweeter deal. According to reports by Digital Trends, Whatsapp is playing “hardball” and wants a higher price.
The acquisition might prove to be important for Google as Google is looking at a comprehensive communication offering for its next Google Android version – the Key Lime Pie. The tool tentatively  called ‘Babble’ is said to combine all of Google’s communication services like Google Talk, Hangout, Google Voice, etc. While it might be a little too late for Google to devise its own app, with the market already saturated with not just global apps but even multiple regional offerings (GupShup in India, KakaoTalk in Japan, etc) the best way out might be a strong acquisition.

Whatsapp boils down as the most logical choice for the search giant with the app’s reach and popularity. Whatsapp is the first choice and the leading messenger app in over 100 countries. Also, with a novel payment scheme which makes it neither an paid app nor makes you feel the pinch while paying (one dollar annually for iOS and one dollar annually second year onwards for Android) Whatsapp might provide an ideal solution to Google’s woes.

 Also, with Facebook having strongly entered the phone messenger turf with its latest offering Facebook Home; ironically based on the Android platform, it is time for Google to sit up and take notice. Smartphones are slowly eating away into the PC business with most people preferring to stay in touch on the go. Also, the success of apps like Whatsapp, WeChat, KakaoTalk, Viber points to the same. Google does have multiple offerings for communication and messaging but having it all under one blanket app will definitely add to the profits.

Quickness, ease of communication and friends-one-tap-away are some of the reasons why the apps are popular. While Google has combined multiple applications and now Hangouts and GTalk go hand in hand, the format is yet to come to smartphones. One app is something Google definitely needs and needs fast.

Though they are still just rumours, we advise you to definitely not take the news with a pinch of salt. There is no smoke without a fire and if we’re not mistaken, there is an entire city burning here. However, if the deal does fall through, we wonder what will happen to Whatsapp? Will it stop supporting multiple phone formats and become an Android exclusive? That will definitely detract from the app’s popularity. Also, what about the revenue model? We don’t mind the fees but Google, please keep the dreaded adverts out of it!

Speculations for sure will continue but all we can do is hope that the deal benefits not just Google but even ardent admirers of the app around the world.


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